The Hope Matrix


This week’s special guest on the Hope Matrix is Malia Pruyn. Malia has had her own struggles with mental health throughout high school and leading into college. She is the Panhellenic President at the University of Nevada, Reno, and is greatly involved in her sorority, Pi Beta Phi. She worked for Crisis Support Services of Nevada to help populations in crisis. However, she left to find a role that would allow for preventative mental healthcare, and now works with iFred helping to facilitate Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus. To her, the keys to mental healthcare are the preventative tools that Hope teaches.


In Episode 17 of the Hope Matrix, Kathryn and Malia delve into how they have used and seen hope in their communities. Malia discusses how she has seen it affect life and community on the college campus. In response, Kathryn and Malia talk about the importance of having support and lessons that teach hope skills on college campuses. Knowing the resources available to each college student, how to connect with peers, and having these hope skills in your toolbox are the keys to eliminating challenges to a hopeful mindset. Malia also discusses her own tactics and skills that she uses to maintain a hopeful mindset.


You can learn more about Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus at